Welcome to my warped world
I make no apologies that this is not an all singing, all dancing, frames and flash
"enhanced" website, its major enough that I'm not using vi to edit it
any more, and have resorted to an HTML editor! I also make no apologies for the poor
content here - if you wanted that, you probably ought to be looking somewhere else.
PRT's rant-of-the-week is on summer vacation.
So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Lots of things about me.
Bits of useful information that I have been known to write down, mainly technical Internet routing stuff.
My new not-quite-so out of date page of links, that I occasionally add something to.
My photo gallery, which is probably the reason you are here.
Other bits and pieces that are not well categorised above!